Join the movement! We are an inclusive network of womxn entrepreneurs, creators, and leaders focussed on creating change and fostering intuition and feminine power in our personal and professional lives
What is WET?
WET is an inclusive network of and safe space for womxn entrepreneurs, creators, and leaders. We’re focussed on creating change and igniting intuition and feminine power in our personal and professional lives! It is our mission to create a community and offer in person and virtual events and resources to connect and empower womxn in business through authentic conversation and self discovery
Why do we exist?
To support womxn leaders, entrepreneurs, and creators to understand and realize their positive impact in the world.
To address loneliness and competition amongst womxn and to change the paradigm for womxn from competition to collaboration
To provide a space away from the way things “should be done” to connect with how they “could be done” in alignment with what’s real and true for each of us.
To let our guards down and get real to create more meaningfully and support each other in the process
To encourage womxn to connect with the flowing and intuitive nature of femininity in business
To invite our community to be playful and comfortable unlocking their creative energy and femininity as a source of strength
It’s a bit tongue in cheek… but what does it mean?
Our bodies are powerful tools that connect us to our intuition and can inform our decision making.We love to ask ourselves and each other “does it make you wet?” Why? In business (and life), womxn have been told to value more “masculine” attributes and shut down femininity and sexuality. In so doing, we are also shutting down creativity and inspiration. What if instead of repressing them, we were curious about these feelings and what they’re inviting us to explore? What opportunities for collaboration and creativity can they initiate? What doors can we open when we embrace our femininity? How can we invite play into our lives?
What do we offer?
Open in person and virtual meet ups
Membership based community (with online communications platform)
Local hubs for in person meet ups (select communities)
Online and in person resources / courses
Access to curated courses, practitioners and discounts
Dynamic and elevating conversations with our membe