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Mindset Tulum - Connecting to your voice: Transmissions and exercises to share your authenticity

Join Marni Pogachefsky, for an immersive 1hr and 15min workshop to help you to connect deeply with yourself and your voice. Too often we have been told in our lives “don’t say that”, “be quieter”, “your voice isn’t good”, “stop singing” “your voice doesn’t matter”. We hear these stories in varying ways and begin to disconnect with our voices and our power sources.

Together we will release these stories and get in touch with our unique and authentic sounds, as well as the power they hold.

Marni will take you on a journey through sound, meditation / visualization, writing and discussion back to find and embrace your voice.

You will leave with new skills and exercises to practice to strengthen your voice. And you will also have the opportunity to practice speaking or singing in front of the group in a supportive and loving environment.


610.324.0106 |