What people are saying.... 

Transformative Shamanic Energy Work

To say I am grateful to have been connected to Marni would be an understatement – in just a couple of sessions, I have been able to work through and address years of painful trauma and self-inflicted personal limitations through her powerful guidance. I think this is in large part due to how comfortable and at ease she made me feel when we first met. As someone who can take weeks or even months to warm up to people, the fact that I was able to put my inhibitions aside and completely trust Marni and her work was (and still is) quite frankly, fascinating to me.

Having had some experiences with energy healers in the past, I was not quite sure what to initially expect from Marni’s work but after our second session, was instantly impressed by her professional and nurturing demeanor. She took the time to listen to me, explained in detail what our approach would be during the healing, and helped make me feel relaxed and ready to revisit and clear some deep pain.

During our second healing, Marni guided me in a way that I could never have anticipated – I went in deep to some difficult memories as an ‘observer’ and what came from that was one of the most surreal experiences of my adult life. 

Although we have only worked together twice, I feel as though I have been ‘working’ with Marni over the couple months since we first met. There has been a tangible shift in my energy and spirit coming from multiple angles and I believe that (in large part) Marni has had a big influence on that. I realized that healing is not a one-way street – it requires work on both ends and Marni left me with not only a lot to think about but also some ‘homework’ assignments that all but reinforce the path of healing post-session.

After my first session with Marni, I shared some of the experience to my best friend who introduced us – she gave me a look and said, ‘Marni is powerful’ and indeed she is. I hope to continue to grow, expand, and most of all, heal through her guidance. She is very special.


Ceremony and Initiation

From the first time meeting Marni I felt an instant connection. She is a beautiful being highly committed to her work. A powerful space holder for the healing journey of others. I sat in circles with Marni and witnessed her essence. Her voice is like a portal to the depth of your heart and it can transform you. I was blessed to receive a shamanic initiation by Marni, which unlocked something powerful within me. A deep connection to my heart and soul. I give my highest recommendations to Marni and her shamanic work.

Malin, Norway

Spiritual Guidance, Tarot, and Energy Work

I first met Marni in a friendly setting (at Burning Man) before she had pursued her shamanic path. We crossed paths nearly a year later in Israel and it was one of the most pivotal watershed moments of my life.

I did not have much experience with shamanic energy work, or any kind of 'woo woo' experience for that matter. I considered myself agnostic at best, and was not very spiritual and did not necessarily believe in energy.  My first experience with Marni was a Tarot reading. Not only was it so on point for everything I was going through, but since learning tarot, so many of the same cards that came up in my initial reading with Marni, present themselves over and over again.

My first energy session with Marni blew the door wide open for me. From the moment Marni started chanting, I could feel energy - which felt like cold tingles - rush through my body. It was unlike anything I have ever felt before.

We went on to do really deep work, I felt myself pushing to the surface a lot of deep-seated trauma and toxic relationships. Not only did I feel the physical symptoms of this cleanse, but I also felt the emotional and mental clarity - how I lost my way and how to get back on my path came through so clearly. And the craziest thing of all, though I knew what I had to do, in that moment the changes seemed so drastic, and after about 2 weeks of the 'new me' I fell off the band wagon and went back to a lot of my old ways. But slowly but surely over the past year or so, I have arrived at the very place I felt like I needed to go back then. This work takes time and can be subtle!

In this past year I have been pursing a path of spirituality, healing, self-care and self-love. I am learning how to heal myself and others, I am getting in touch with my own psychic energy. It's safe to say that although I was not a believer last May, I am most certainly an enthusiastic proponent of energy work, and all the 'woo woo' stuff we may not readily understand or see, etc. 

I have introduced Marni to many of my friends - in Israel and in NYC - and all of their experiences have been transformative as well. I am so glad I met Marni. I am so grateful for her shamanic work and her guidance, and I am honored to also call her my friend.

Sophia, USA

applying ancient wisdom to modern challenges

Now more than ever the world needs quality healers. That said, there are a lot of people today that say they are Healers and it can be a leap of faith to choose to have a session with someone new. I am so grateful I gave myself the opportunity to work with Marni! She has a unique toolbox full of special gifts… she listens closely, is wise, intuitive, tuned in, and gifted with shifting energy. After just one session working with Marni, I felt like I had taken a long spiritual journey where I shed some old and over-packed baggage and wound up in a brighter, lighter place full of endless possibilities. Hard to describe - but definitely would recommend taking that leap of faith. After all, it’s fun to learn to fly!

Beth, USA

I had the pleasure of an appointment with Marni while on a yoga retreat in Tulum. Her initial questionnaire was very detailed and asked important questions to begin her work with me. I am 52 years old. I have been in therapy on and off since I was 19 to deal with the traumas and dysfunction of my family or origin. I have been to chiropractors, massage therapists, naturopaths, acupuncturists, and traditional doctors. My session with Marni opened up and revealed core issues that no other practitioner has been able to get at. She did it with kindness, and also planned for healing solutions after our visit. At the end of our session, Marni was chanting and holding my shoulders. The most incredible rush of energy shot through me, and flew right up out of my chest. I have not felt this free or light in decades. She is truly gifted at her healing arts and utilized many different techniques to adapt her sessions to each client and their needs. I would highly recommend working with her and I look forward to other sessions in the future.

Michelle, USA

610.324.0106 | Marni@marnimae.com