I help people to connect more deeply with themselves and communities so that they can have the most profound impact in the world. I support people personally and professionally, combining my years as a business consultant with my experiences studying mysticism around the world.

Check out my store to purchase pre-recorded classes, music, and courses!

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Deeper Dive - What I Do


It’s a pleasure to work with individuals clients to support their personal and spiritual development journeys. I do this through:

  • Coaching and Mentorship

  • Energy Work

  • Group Resets

  • Yoga and Mindfulness classes

Professional and Corporate Support

As a facilitator I specialize in supporting organizations and individuals in bringing wellness into the work place, specifically helping them prevent burn out and manage stress through:

  • Executive Coaching

  • Lunch & Learns and Workshops

  • Group Programs

  • Offsite Facilitation

  • Corporate Retreats

Retreats and Trainings

I love teaching and sharing what I’ve learned. Sometimes we need a break and I love offering retreats both private live in one or two on ones and group retreats. I also offer group trainings as well as private mentorship for energy medicine.

  • Private Reset Retreats

  • Group Retreats

  • Online and in person energy medicine trainings

Women’s groups: wet (woMEN Empowered together)

WET (Women Empowered Together): Bringing women together to support each other is my passion. WET is an incredible international community that I’m thrilled to share with you!

WET is an inclusive network of and safe space for womxn entrepreneurs, creators, and leaders. We’re focussed on creating change and igniting intuition and feminine power in our personal and professional lives! It is our mission to create a community and offer in person and virtual events and resources to connect and empower womxn in business through authentic conversation and self discovery


610.324.0106 | Marni@marnimae.com