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TRANSFORM: Unearth Your Realness (Own Your Intuition)

Own Your Intuition: Self Trust, Psychic Skill Activation (3rd Eye Chakra)

Join us for this module of the TRANSFORM model Resets! Like any other rest the class is a 30 minute practice plus 30 minutes for community building, check ins, and expansion on lessons in the workbook. You can attend this individual class or sign up for the entire program to receive the replays for any classes you missed!   For more information on the TRANSFORM Model and other modules- learn more here

Learn to trust your inner voice and intuition. Connect with the concept of the “third eye” as you identify any blocks in the physical and emotional bodies preventing trusting yourself.

What to expect

  • 30 minutes of guided practice

    • 10 min meditation / visualization (accessible for all levels)

    • 10 min breathing (accessible for all levels)

    • 10 min chanting (Marni will chant during this time- you’re welcome to sing along from where you are - this is also an opportunity to receive)

  • 30 minutes of check ins / community building and discussion on what’s present around the topic

What you’ll need

  • A comfortable place to relax - recommend being seated on the ground / bed / couch…. somewhere you can lie down / extend your legs

  • You can attend from a desk / chair


  • Before class: Please show up a couple of minutes before class starts to be let in from the waiting room and to connect with other participants

  • Directly after class: If possible, consider giving yourself 10-15 minutes after class to integrate / take you time / chat with other participants, etc. before jumping back into work or other obligations.

610.324.0106 |