RECORDED: Mama Rosa Energetic Clearing Class


RECORDED: Mama Rosa Energetic Clearing Class

Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$35.00

Treat yourself to the opportunity to learn from a genuine Master. During this 2 hour energy clearing class, Mama Rosa teaches you energetic clearing techniques and connects you to her alter. This class is in Spanish and English. Purchase includes access to the recordings and a workbook for your reference

Allow yourself to feel Energetically Cleared through the practices in this video!

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Learning objectives:

  • Understand the steps and tools to perform an Andean cleanse

  • Connect to Mama Rosa’s altar

  • Learn about other ancestral energy clearing techniques!


  • Will connecting to her altar be possible if it’s through a recording: YES! The magic of this work is that it is not bound by time and space. You can feel the energy and connect to Mama Rosa and her lineage through the recording

  • Can I use these techniques: You sure can! We recommend taking the entire Energy Medicine training with Mama Rosa to deeply support you in how to use these techniques. This course is great especially for people who already have energetic practices to be able to add to their tool belt! It is perfectly suitable for those who are looking for an intro to Energetic Clearing as well!

610.324.0106 |