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30 min System Reset - Wednesday July 29th - Virtual Journey


THEME: Find your Voice - The Throat Chakra

This week, our resets will be centered around cultivating our voice and working on how we express and communicate.

So many of us somewhere along the line developed the story that we should hold back our vocal expression. That we should not speak or sing. That we should hold back our thoughts or emotions rather than expressing them honestly.

Over the previous two weeks, we’ve moved through identifying who we are, and accepting and loving that completely. Now it’s time to learn to express our truth unapologetically and compassionately.

Join Marni for a 30-minute virtual journey of sound, breath, and meditation to realign the energetic body, and make space for forgiveness and healing. Marni will guide you through breath work and meditation/visualization techniques to reset and balance the system.

This class is donation based - suggested donation of $10

How to register

  • Send your donation to Marni via Paypal or Venmo - if you need to use a CC, please email Marni directly.

    • Venmo: @marni_mae

    • Paypal:

  • Send an email to let Marni know you’ve registered and she will send you the Zoom Link

What to expect

  • 10 minutes of guided breathing exercises

  • 10 minutes of guided meditation / visualization

  • 10 minutes of chanting / sound healing

What you’ll need

  • A comfortable place to relax - recommend being seated on the ground / bed / couch…. somewhere you can lie down / extend your legs

  • You can attend from a desk / chair


  • Before class: Please show up a couple of minutes before class starts to be let in from the waiting room and to connect with other participants

  • Directly after class: If possible, consider giving yourself 10-15 minutes after class to integrate / take you time / chat with other participants, etc. before jumping back into work or other obligations.

610.324.0106 |