

"People plan, G-d laughs" -yiddish proverb

With only 2 days to go before the trip begins, it feels like an appropriate time to share my "plans" for the next few months, along with my intentions. 

A lot of people have asked "do you have everything planned out OR  will you be winging it?"...  The answer is "yes" :). I have a few key places / programs that I'd like to experience, a lot of flexible time, and an open mind / heart. I'm sure my plans will change along the way, and in the mean time below are my current "plans for my trip". 


Intention: Uncover the part of me that is fully healed so I can help facilitate the healing of others and beome clear in who I am, and my truth, so that I can do the most good in the world. 

  •  Throughout my life I've been very sensitive and without boundaries. I didn't know what that meant until very recently. As many of us do, it turns out that I'd been picking up other people's feelings / desires (think of it like empathy). Since I didn't develop  appropriate boundaries, I began internalizing those external expectation as my own and became co-dependent... constantly searching for external validation.  In order to accept these external expectations as my own,  I began dismissing my intuition / core whenever they conflicted.  My goal now is to let go of any of those external expectations / desires that I've internalized as my own so that I can become more fully in touch with my truth. As I tap into my truth, I intend to establish appropriate boundaries so that I can leverage my innate sensitivity to work with others in a healthy and productive way!  
  • With this new clarity I intend to uncover what's next for me after this transformative journey. Do I go back to consulting, do transition into a new career path (maybe one focused on healing / elevating consciousness), do I continue healing and learning full time? I don't have the answers yet but I'm excited to see what unfolds!

Approach: in true consulting form, once I created my vision/ objective, I came up with the 3 key phases of work to help me reach my goal. :)

  1. Physical Body cleansing / strengthening 
  2. Energetic Body cleansing / strengthening 
  3. Knowlege and Skill development  

the idea behind these three phases in this particular order is that as I begin to eliminate layers and strengthen the physical and energetic bodies, I'll be more ready to receive and utilize new knowledge and skills. I believe that these three phases of my journey will overlap to an extent and may be cyclical. (In other words I imagine that I'll constantly be learning and healing throughout the trip/ life). That said, the goal of dividing my journey into 3 distinct intentions across linear time, is to ensure that I'm providing dedicated time and focus to each of these critical pillars of development in a way that sets me up for success to receive and grow at the next layer. It seems to me that only once I've dedicated energy to healing myself, can I then focus externally on actively helping others. 



Nov - Jan (physical)  focus on physical discipline, exercise and diet

  • where: Bali / South East Asia
  • what:  Yoga Teacher Training, 21 day auyervedic cleanse (panchakarma), downtime travel with / physical training 

Jan - March (energetic): focus on self inquiry, meditation, and energetic cleanses

  • where: South East Asia and South America  
  • what: Andean cleanse / service retreat,  plant medicine ceremonies, regular meditation practices   

March - Jul (knowledge and skill) : focus on learning about wisdom traditions and healing techniques. 

  • where: California and Israel  
  • what: Energy medicine training course, Kabbalah studies 

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