
Today is day two in Bali and it's also Thanksgiving in the U.S.

In the spirit of thanksgiving - I'm feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to take this time and explore my passions and my truth. I'm grateful for the strength to step off of the beaten path and the support of my friends and family in doing so. 

I'm simultanteously saddened by the hate and violence that seem pervasive back in the U.S. Stories of the division of our nation after the latest presidential election and what's happening in standing rock fill my social media news feeds and heavy my heart.  It feels to me as though history is repeating itself, in politics and in the treatment of our native people and their land. It's my hope that during this holiday season we can send out love to those who are hurting and try to elevate consciousness to put an end to these acts of fear, hate, and disconnection. 



Day 1 in Bali - smoothies on the beaches of Sanur

Day 1 in Bali - smoothies on the beaches of Sanur

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