Drum circles in Goa

Landed in North Goa, Friday night, and when we arrived at our hotel in Anjuna, we were a little disappointed to find a beach polluted with plastic and restaurants playing bad techno music. We walked up and down the beach and heard drums in the distance and went on an adventure to find them.  The energy of this place was different so we went to explore and stumbled across an amazing circle of humans playing local Goan instruments. When we came over they invited us to play with them.  The beat seemed totally off to me at first... but then it genuinely felt like my heart started to connect with their rhythm and all of a sudden the sound made sense!  the night went from a bit dissapointing to one of the most soul enriching evenings I’ve ever had. Thank you to the drum circle for welcoming us with open arms and sharing your magic!  


610.324.0106 | Marni@marnimae.com