Valentine's Day self love


 Happy Valentine's Day, I love you all. Regardless of your relationship status, today is a great opportunity to reflect on self love. Knowing, healing, and loving ourselves is  the most selfless thing that we can do for ourselves and for the world. Recently I've learned that only through truly knowing and loving ourselves, can we fully be present to love others.


I came into my most recent journey with a lot of subconscious self-hate and had a tendency to value and put others' desires and perspectives before my own. Through my work over the past couple of months, one of my biggest awarenesses came during a chakra meditation and it was simple but profound:

  • I must first get to truly know and listen to myself (3rd chakra)
  • So that I can then love myself (the light, the dark, the love, the fear, all of it) without  judgement and unconditionally (4th chakra
  • From there I can communicate my truth (5th chakra) without shame or guilt (1st and 2nd chakra)
  • And only then will I be in genuine and supportive relationship with myself and then others.


I developed the story / belief that putting others first was selfless, and that it was somehow better / more meaningful to receive love (validation, acceptance, affection, etc ...) from others than from myself. I now know that these beliefs are false. While it's easy enough to say it's tougher to do, but I will continue to work to love myself fully and do what I need to do for me, so that I can then show up for others more fully.


I share this awareness because I believe it's true for everyone. We must first love and honor all aspects of ourselves and be able to fill and love ourselves before we can fully show up in relation to others.

Wishing you love today and every day 

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