Vlog Panchakarma update day 19 of 28

Hi everyone! It's been a long time since my last update... as I've been really trying to engage fully in my Panchakarma experience.   

Today was a really great day, my energy is moving through my body beautifully, I led a wonderful meditation class, and I'm feeling really happy and grounded. Not every day is a good day during a 28 day cleanse and yet I'm super grateful for every moment and the tough lessons that come up along the way.  

Here's a Vlog talking about what I'm up to... what Panchakarma is... and what's coming up on my journey.  

ps- the head wrap is part of a treatment I had today (though I'm seriously considering it as my new look 😉)  

I've been practicing yoga almost every day for the past month so I decided to record one of the core strengthening flows I'm really enjoying!

Sending everyone love from beautiful Bali!!  

610.324.0106 | Marni@marnimae.com